Termalna Rivijera

Thermal Riviera is a private company founded in 2008 with the aim of working on the exploration and exploitation of geothermal waters. It covers about 13 ha of construction land with all necessary building permits and infrastructure facilities. It owns a geothermal source of oligomineral-sulfur thermal water, temperature 70 degrees Celsius, capacity 30 l / s.

The spa-recreational complex Thermal Riviera is located in Bogatić. Good geographical position and proximity to the highway Belgrade - Zagreb - Ljubljana allows quick and easy traffic access to Bogatic and the Thermal Riviera from most places and cities in northwestern Serbia. From Belgrade and Novi Sad, the Thermal Riviera can be reached in an hour, and from Sremska Mitrovica, Sabac, Loznica and Bjeljina in less than half an hour.

The investor "TERMALNA RIVIJERA" d.o.o., owner Ljubiša Dragović, with the planned development and construction of this tourist complex on the territory of the municipality of Bogatić, has taken a significant place on the domestic market of spa and recreational tourism. The Thermal Riviera was founded in June 2008, with the aim of exploring and exploiting geothermal energy. This location was chosen after detailed research by the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Hydrology, relying on previous research work in the municipality of Bogatić, known as one of the richest deposits of geo-thermal waters in Europe, taking into account drilling depth, self-discharge and temperature water.

What distinguishes the spa complex Thermal Riviera in Bogatić from most domestic spas is the geo-thermal water of exceptional balneological characteristics. Geo-thermal water with a temperature of 70 ºC is pumped from a depth of 771 meters. The water in the pools is cooled, and during the colder periods of the year, its temperature can be up to 40 ºC, which enables swimming regardless of the weather conditions.

In addition to enabling enjoyment during icy winter days, this thermomineral water is also healing, because it has an exceptional chemical composition and belongs to the group of oligomineral sulfide homeotherms. Thanks to its temperature and chemical composition, according to the findings of the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Republic of Serbia, as well as the National Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade, it can be successfully used for therapeutic purposes as an adjunct in rheumatoid arthritis. , Behcet's pain), extraarticular rheumatism (fibriosis, myositis, paniculitis, tendinitis), consequence of trauma and conditions after bone fractures and surgical interventions on the skeletal system.

Thanks to its exceptional chemical composition, this water is successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases, eczema, fungal diseases, psoriasis, heals wounds, and after bathing in this water, the skin becomes softer and tighter. Chilled water can be drunk and helps with gastritis and has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.

Termalna Rivijera SR

Termalna Rivijera RU

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